Building Men with a Heart for Jesus


Noah Webster defines a “monument” as a building, stone or other thing placed or erected to remind men of the person who raised it. That is the goal of our men’s ministry, “monuMENts”. It is our desire at Fellowship Baptist to see men who erect and fashion their lives as monuMENts for the Lord Jesus Christ. Our burden is to see the men of FBC strive to build their lives on the Word of God as that is the only foundation that has stood the tests and trials of time. We believe that God has called our men to be the backbone of our ministry, therefore we count heavily on them to lead their families and set a Biblical example for our young men. Our men have weekly and monthly opportunities for fellowship and spiritual growth.

Opportunities at MonuMENts

Regular Men's Outings

Weekly Men’s Prayer Meeting

Monthly Men’s Prayer Breakfast

Monthly Men’s Bible Study

There are other arenas in which are men are called upon to serve. FBC is blessed to have such a willing group of men to be servants and leaders within the church of God.