Michael Hubers Sr.
Senior Pastor
As founding pastor of Fellowship Baptist Church, I along with my wife, Donna magnify the grace of God and give thanks to Him for the “great things” He has done for us, in us, and through us these past 30 years. Born and raised in Maryland, we were privileged of God to plant a brand new ministry in my hometown of Ferndale on October 17, 1985. Prior to this however, we began our ministry together in Cleveland, Ohio just prior to our marriage in March of 1981. It was there that I served as an assistant Pastor for four and one half years.
As we continue to serve Jesus here at FBC, we do so with a genuine commitment and compassion to Jesus, each other and to those we serve. We have been called to serve our Saviour, Jesus Christ unconditionally, and we stand amazed at what God has done. We love you and invite you to join our family here at Fellowship! May God bless you and your family as well.
Serving By His Grace,
Michael W. Hubers Sr., Pastor